About us

Our story

BabyJoyz Our Story page photo

Uniquely Yours, Uniquely BabyJoyz

Simplicity carried to an extreme becomes elegance

Our story

The Story of BabyJoyz

Once upon a time in a vibrant meadow, there was a small, curious elephant named JoyzJoyz was unlike any other elephant – he was born with a woolly coat as soft as clouds, like a lamb’s, and a heart full of wonder. His vibrant blue ears flapped joyfully in the breeze, and his eyes sparkled with the innocence of childhood.


The other animals in the meadow were enchanted by Joyz’s playful spirit and unique look. He quickly became a beloved figure, known for spreading laughter and cheer wherever he roamed. Noticing the joy that Joyz brought to their young ones, a group of kindly creatures decided to create something special – a place where the happiness Joyz symbolized could be shared with children far and wide. Thus, BabyJoyz Kids Store was born. BabyJoyz Kids Store wasn’t just any ordinary store. It was a treasure trove of the finest, most magical products for children, each crafted with the same care and love that Joyz himself embodied. 


Every product in the store carried the spirit of Joyz’s delightful meadow, from story books whispering adventure stories to cheerful photographs decorating baby rooms, from warm clothes that embrace the little ones with warmth, to warm and soft hand-knitted blankets that accompany them in their sleep. The logo of BabyJoyz Kids Store, featuring the adorable, woolly Joyz against a backdrop of serene blue, became a symbol of childlike wonder and joy. It stood for the brand’s commitment to bringing comfort, delight, and the purest joy to kids and parents alike. 


As word of the store spread across lands near and far, so did tales of the little woolly elephant. Every product from the store carried a bit of Joyz’s spirit, reminding everyone that in the heart of every child, there’s a playful elephant, ready to explore, love, and dream. And so, the story of BabyJoyz continues, not just as a brand but as a legacy of joy, comfort, and the everlasting innocence of childhood.

About the founder

Sanem Aydın Yayla, The Founder of BabyJoyz Kids StoreMeet the founder, the heart, and soul behind BabyJoyz, a brand born from a vision to cherish and celebrate the uniqueness of every child. 

Sanem Aydın Yayla, a seasoned expert with a 25-year tenure in IT and an enterprising spirit, transitioned from a successful corporate career to the pursuit of a more heartfelt venture. With BabyJoyz, she created a sanctuary where the tenderness of a mother’s touch meets the personalized care every child deserves.

The journey began with a simple yet profound principle: PURITY, INNOCENCE, and UNIQUENESS. This belief is the cornerstone of BabyJoyz, where products are not merely items but extensions of a mother’s nurturing love. She brought her own craft into the mix with handmade knitted baby blankets—a signature offering that intertwines personal passion with professional dedication.  

More than just an entrepreneur, Sanem Aydın Yayla is a parent too, who understands the joy and struggles of raising children. This empathy is woven into the fabric of BabyJoyz, offering a platform where creativity flourishes—allowing parents and grandparents to craft bespoke designs, turning ordinary moments into treasured memories. At the heart of it all, she is a family person, cherishing moments with two teenagers and Gümüş, the family cat, while inspiring others to leave a mark on the world—one stitch, one design, one child at a time.
